AxSys Vetro Disinfectant 10% Solution - 4 L

AxSys Vetro Disinfectant 10% Solution - 4 L

Item # FROG-C-34004

  • Designed specifically for hospitals, food processing plants, dairies, restaurants, bars, animal quarters, kennels and institutions where disinfection, sanitization and deodorization is of prime importance.
  • Deodorizes those areas which generally are hard to keep fresh smelling
  • Virucidal activity
4 L, ea
Alternate #I0-34004
List Price: $67.40/EA
Your Price:

VIRUCIDAL ACTIVITY - This product, when used on precleaned environmental inanimate hard surfaces at 22 mL per 4 Liters of water exhibits effective virucidal activity against Influenza A2/Japan (representative of the common flu virus), herpes Simplex type 1 (causative agent of fever blisters), Adenovirus Type 5 (causative agent of upper respiratory infections), Vaccinia virus (representative of the pox virus group), and Avian influenza A/Turkey/Wisconsin (causative agent of an acute avian lower respiratory tract infection), Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1), Newcastle disease virus, Laryngotracheitis Virus.


  • Deodorizes those areas which generally are hard to keep fresh smelling, such as garbage storage areas, empty garbage bins and cans, pet areas and any other areas which are prone to odors caused by microorganisms.
  • When used as directed, this product is formulated to disinfect precleaned inanimate, hard surfaces such as walls, floors, sink tops, tables, chairs, and bed frames.